After agonizing indecision, Lincoln adopted a middle-of-the-road solution.Lincoln did not feel that Fort Sumter was strong enough to take as his obligation to protect federal property-but if he sent reinforcements, the South Carolinians would undoubtedly fight back-could not tolerate federal fort blocking important sea port.This stronghold had provisions that would last only few weeks-until middle of April 1861 and if no supplies were forthcoming, its commander would have to surrender.Ominously the choices presented to Lincoln by Fort Sumter were all bad.The issue of the divided Union came to a head over the matter of federal forts in the South as the seceding states left, they had seized the United States’ arsenals, mints, and other public property within their borders (Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor).The colonies of the European powers in the New World, notably those of Britain would thus be made safer against the rapacious Yankees (defy Monroe Doctrine seize territory).A united US had been paramount republic in the Western Hemisphere if this powerful democracy should break into two hostile parts, the European nations would be delighted they could gleefully transplant to America their ancient concept of the balance of power.How would the fugitive-slave issue be resolved-the Underground Railroad would certainly redouble its activity and it would have to transport its passengers only across the Ohio River, not all the way to Canada (conceivable to solve all such problems?).Uncontested secession would create new controversies what share of the national debt should the South be forced to take with it? What portion of the jointly held federal territories, if any, should the Confederate states be allotted?.