This latter group was the subject of a moving essay in The Lancet Psychiatry. Thus, the Nazis also persecuted and murdered Slavs, Roma, Catholics, gay people, and the mentally and physically handicapped. Anybody who was "impure" was potentially targeted for extermination. Jewish people were the highest profile victims of the Nazi killing machine, but they weren't the only ones. Using a potent combination of political demagoguery, racism, religious symbolism, national mythology, and pseudoscience, the Nazis created a cult-like following that justified the slaughter of anyone who was not a member of their tribe, that is, the Aryan race. While the Communists racked up a far larger body count, Nazi ideology was unique in its evil.Īdolf Hitler and the madmen with whom he surrounded himself were among the most ruthlessly effective propagandists in world history. Really, nothing in history compares to the crimes against humanity committed by the Nazis. Such is the condition of our national discourse in 2018. Everybody else is a terrorist sympathizer. Anyone we disagree with on the Left is a socialist or communist anyone we disagree with on the Right is a Nazi. Labeling people in the harshest of terms is one of the features of our hyperpartisan society. One of my best friends recently commented that it's disturbing how many Nazis, communists, and terrorists he's friends with on Facebook.